::Totality of Islam::

::Totality of Islam::

I haven’t finish reading the book however I think I could share some information that I found from this book particularly from chapter two. In chapter two, it talks in great detail about the totality of Islam, the meaning, the pillars and foundation of Islam and what Islam is all about. The author also provided informative story about the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)- also in chapter two. After reading the first three chapters, I found that I began to understand about Islam better and I feel it is my obligation to share my knowledge with my sisters and brothers. I believe that great things should be shared. Even in Islam, we are encouraged to keep reminding others on what they may have forgotten and at the same time we also should constantly remind ourselves on what we may have forgotten as well. Below I will put an excerpt taken from chapter two about Islam what Islam is all about. The title for chapter two is “Totality of Islam”.

- Islam is not a religion in the common, distorted meaning of the word, confining itself to the private life of man. It is a complete way of life, catering for all walks of life- individual and social, material and moral, economic and political, legal and cultural, national and international. Islam is ‘not merely a religion’. It is a total and unified way of life, both religious and secular; it is a set of beliefs and a way of law; it is a culture and a civilization; it is an economic system and a way of doing business; it is a policy and a method of governance; it is a special sort of society and a way of running a family; it prescribes for inheritance and divorce, dress and etiquette, food and personal hygiene. It is a spiritual and human totality, this-worldly and other-worldly”

I hope after this, I could provide with more inputs based on the information that I will dig out from this interesting book.


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