the broken-heart of mine

Call me stupid, call me dumb, call me whatever you want, but I never asked for this feeling. It hurts, a lot. People say 'to fall in love is the best experience ever', ironically, I feel the opposite. Instead of giving me the 'over-the-moon feeling', I feel extremely exhausted with these feelings that never want to go away. I tried, not once, not twice but still the dumb me fails to realize that I could never have him as my soul-mate.

People said you should fight for your love, never give up easily but how could I be a fighter if my dream guy is out of my reach. I can only miss him, but to have him; impossible. He is like a shadow, seems so near but you could never catch it. I try to console my broken heart but it always betrays me. When I finally have the gut to forget him, his images appear. He is like a ghost, never let me have him and never let me forget him. To the Almighty, I ask for help..for my heart to be at peace's hard, but I will try... I know, I could never have him, as he's married!

Zinedine Yazid Zidane, if you could hear, my heart is calling for you!!!


Anonymous said…
ooi bedah..jgnla berangan2 di siang hari...bangun dari tidur
Anonymous said…
the first comment is extraneous, and very annoying....
Sachin Shinde said…
oh man!!! what have you written.. I feel the same for someone..
Unknown said…
Instead of he in ur comment , replace it with she, that suits me well , as i am in that state. Its a pain which would never leave me. No idea what im gonna do , but hopefully by work is making to pass the days.... No one could console me.... Except god.

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