teachers' hitch (es)

First thing first, Anis...I prefer ILDIVO's than that song.

I've been rather busy for the past few days. Although the students are having their exam now (in which we, teachers are supposed to be free from teaching except monitoring the students ---which is pretty bored!), I have to say I could never rest. Now, my nightmare has begun. I'm teaching 5 classes (English) and for each class, approximately I have 40 (naughty) students. For English, we have two papers--paper 1 is easy as it is an objective paper, however when it comes to marked paper2, ......(no word can describe my "enthusiasm"). 40x5---you do the math. Plus, I am also a form teacher where I'm supposed to do the students' record book. Anis, that's why I haven't updated my blog recently.

Marking is a tedious job, however I do manage to entertain myself while marking the papers.

"we put oil in kuali panas"

"we cut onion pakai pisau tajam"

"cut the onions small small"

"he finally bahagia"

yes, I did laugh when I read these interesting pieces!

There a few students who tried their best to write even though they are weak in the language but what bothers me the most is the students who don't even try to answer the questions given.

So, wish me luck for the coming days!

p/s: I had a meeting yesterday, and now besides teaching the students, we, language teachers have to teach our peers too. It is called "Buddy support system". And yes, we do get extra incentive.


(",) strawberry said…
first of all, thanks for making me famous in your blog...well,about your marking experience, i've been there;done that..guess what, just like you, i also had experiences laughing at the kids' writings (not that i meant to laugh, but those essays were very funny!)..for example, the essay is about flood, but there is a student who talked about blood...there are 4 types of blood, blood A,B, AB...(he only managed to list down 3, by the way)can u imagine how confused i was...i even read back the question...lol...anyway, good luck, warda...and...thanks again for the unwanted publicity...haha...
(",) strawberry said…
warda....isk isk isk....huhu....
Anonymous said…
ala bedah cut into small2 pieces..then he bahagia?? ape kaitan nyer..

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