They hate ENglish

When I went to induksi last year, one of the facilitators said, "I hate English so much because of my teacher. He did somethin that I won't forget and forgive". - I got nothin to say at that time.

Last week, a senior English teacher in my school scolded a class of students. She made almost all of them cried. I didn't know what she said to them for I couldn't hear. Later, she told another teacher that these students had made a "huge unforgiven mistake", and as the denda, they are required to write "I won't cheat in English class anymore"; 10, 000x. yes, you read it right,
10, 000 x!!. And they're given 2-3 months to finish this denda. But, wait! the denda belom habis lagi. After the 'incident', everytime she gives the students work, they need to copy each question and answer 15 x. Even if it's an essay. That's not all. They are even instructed to attend detention class (which mean they have to stayback after school until 4.30 to 5.00 pm) for I don't know how long.

The mistake? During a class presentation, they're required to have a q&a session whereby they need to ask questions to the presenting groups and then the presenting groups were supposed to provide answers. For most of these students are low to intermediate students, what they did was, they prepared everything before the presentation. Meaning, the presenting groups had chosen few people to ask ready-made questions in which case they also had prepared the answers. and the teacher noticed this! come on, like we never did this during our 'U" days?! we did it almost all the time! But we never got that kind of harsh punishment! But these students, just because the couldn't 'act' naturally, they're punished -i like to say- severely!

One more thing. These students are form 3 students. Meaning, at the end of the year, they will sit for their PMR exam. And instead of focusing on all the subjects EQUALLY, they're "forced" to "focus" more of English.

Now, I know why a person can hate English just because of a teacher. And you won't believe the type of language she used when she scolded them. Unimaginable.. ( I didn't hear at that time, but I heard before when she scolded other students... several times)


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