walking z.o.m.b.i.e.

Is it too late to welcome 2010? A month almost ends yet me still thinking that myself isn't yet settled to adapt with the changes that this new year bring. For the first time after 3 years I have to be in morning session. The first week I felt like a walking zombie, felt unfamiliar with so many things-the stricter rules, the a bit well-mannered students and the list went on and on but luckily I have a friend to help me to cope with all these changes. My workload triple but to be honest, this time around, it's quite hard for me to say no. Perhaps it's a good thing, a sign that I've grown up and becoming more mature and are more ready to have more responsibility... and boring. It's true, all I think nowadays are work, work and work... even in my dream. I end up having dreams bout my work!

AFter all the works that I've done, one thing I did realize, when we did our work excellently, we will be bullied- meaning, we will be given more work but if we choose to do it half-heartedly, be prepared to be tortured verbally. I mean, what are we supposed to do... ? Can't they just give us a break. Being young is not a good reason for us to be burdened with endless workloads. Being young is about trying up new things, experiencing new experiences and now I think I've used up all my 'young' days cuddled up with never-end tasks.

And now, I think I've started to talk gibberish for while I'm writing this, I'm still thinking about my unfinished work-pendaftaran PMR. Even my friend notices that I've become less organize nowadays. Blame me not for I own not myself at this moment... see, the jumbled-up words?!! it's a reflection of my murky mind now.


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